Member-only story
Fanfare is Looking For Incredible Star Wars Stories for May the 4th
Submission deadline: April 28th
In general, I think the practice of giving stuff its own national day is dumb. It’s Hallmark holidays on steroids. April 1st, along with hosting a certain other useless ‘holiday’, is national sourdough bread day. What!? Is there a national rye bread day? (A quick google suggests no, rye doesn’t merit a day. Yet.)
I have no use for national days. This is literally the most I have ever thought about them in my entire life. But May 4th is one I can get behind, for two reasons:
- Star Wars. Duh.
- May the 4th is close enough to “May the Force be with you,” that it is clearly kismet.
So in honor of the nerdiest day of the year, I’m putting out a call for Star Wars articles. Let’s drape our nerd flags all over Medium! This is open to Fanfare writers of all stripes. Only requirement: I need to receive stories by April 28th. I will be publishing stories during the lead-up to May the 4th, along with any normal submissions. On the 4th — for one day only! — Fanfare’s main page will ONLY display Star Wars stories. It’s gonna be great!
Also! Medium might be looking to highlight thought-provoking and insightful Star Wars stories as part of the nerdy festivities! So send me your very best stuff. 🤓
(If you’ve submit an application to Fanfare but haven’t yet heard back and would like to participate — first of all, my apologies. We are drowning in submissions, and it’s taking me a while to process them. Secondly, drop a comment on this and I’ll sort through the pile to find your submission, and will get back to you asap.)